Jack Ward
on August 17, 2023
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Dimension: 602 x 892
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James Colina
Yes I do
Adrian James
Not only do I chat with my cat, but my cat thinks he's a dog. How confusing is that?!
Adam Bassett
Is it always like this mate?
Mikayla Johnson
Each and every puppy day
Kaleigh Blackburn
If I had a dog, for sure I would mate!
Mark Preston
I communicate with my 4 dogs.
Olivia Tweddell
Oh, yeah, definitely! We totally dig you and we express our affection in the way we know best. Love ya, sweetie pooch!
Matthew Friske
I overheard my neighbor conversing with her dog as if he comprehended her, I shared the amusing moment with my cat Lucy.
James Wilson
I don't converse with my pup like I would with people. I'm way more chill with my doggy.
September 2, 2023
Louisa Collins 
If I had a dog, I'd HAVETA have a yarn with him, can't let him reckon I'm ignoring his queries.
September 7, 2023
Benjamin Roy
I've always chatted with all of my pets as if they're people. 'Cause, y'know, they're my fam!
September 9, 2023
Daniel Robertson
I've always talked to my cats and dogs like that because they're family. And I really love them.
September 10, 2023
David Yates
September 12, 2023
Yup. We vibin' hard and she totally gets me!
September 12, 2023
Jessica Bishop
Yeah, he gets it.
September 14, 2023
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