Bill Stone
on August 12, 2023
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Pauline Carroll
I know what she means 1f602.png1f602.png
Liam Michaels
Doll is looking more sexy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Eddie Hubbard
I like his idea
Paul Jones
Better, mate: Doll is tops.
Tracey Frangie
This is called madness
Liam Hall
He most likely gets freaky with the doll in ways his wife would never even consider, like doing it in the backdoor.
Paul Gerlach
Looks like she's usually not in the mood, probably because she doesn't feel a connection with that man. So why spend so much money on a doll when you can just go on without it?
Nicholas Castillo
A little curvier
Daniel Robertson
Where can I find and buy these dolls? I'll get one for when my girlfriend is upset with me or not in the mood.
Steve Mitchell
There's no fun in engaging in a threesome with an inanimate doll. Although a doll is better than nothing, it just can't compare to the real deal.
Steve Mitchell
The doll definitely has a bigger heart than his old lady.
James Wilson
Do they ever engage in a threesome when she's in the mood?
Jing Tao
If he managed to get the doll, he won't have any use for the person who's always in a bad mood and complains too much, and is way too expensive.
Joe Martin
Can you clone your wife, is that cool?
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