Allan Myers
on August 6, 2023
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What an A**hole
Dimension: 602 x 783
File Size: 94.83 Kb
1 Yarn
Martin Wood
Which one: giving or receiving?
Steven Burns
Which one do you pitch or catch?
He's just flexing to maximize the value of the 44B he dropped.
Allan Spicer
Haha, that's quite amusing!
Craig Gibson
These guys are so immature, you can't even suggest they should grow up. They've managed to never outgrow their preadolescent phase.
Will Brown
Manbabies control the world.
Patrick Kirk
What's the reasoning behind having different zoom levels for the face and body?
James Wilson
I dig butt stuff!
Michael Young
Given the hefty amount he forked out for Twitter, he must be getting it rough.
Jack Ward
Don't believe everything u see
Lara Anderson
Slapping dickhead
Giselle Field
So, Elon Musk really cracked a great joke.
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