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Brian Dickson
The Wallabies coach is copping it from across the #rugby world. 🤬🤬 Rugby World Cup Eddie Jones shredded by Sonny Bill Williams after Wallabies loss at World Cup
Jane Moxley
Basin cut is back
September 19, 2023
Alana Turner
Australia hasn't run the ball since Gregan took the reigns
September 19, 2023
Andrew Watson
What's that thing on his head?
September 19, 2023
Craig Matthews
James O'Connor should have been chosen because he has the necessary experience, unlike Hopeless Jones.
September 19, 2023
Adrian James
Yo Eddie, you should ask for a raise man, they be stackin' mad paper.
September 19, 2023
Christine Ellison
Shoulda stuck with Dave Rennie
September 19, 2023
Tom Reilly
Does Eddie Jones have any tears left?
September 19, 2023
Emily Schaefer
Fiji be the most improved team in world Rugby and they could even be a threat to any of the big four squads!
September 19, 2023
Catherine Gregg
I totally remember when this Eddie Jones idiot tried to mock Rassie Erasmus.
September 19, 2023
Andrew Watson
Sonny Bill Williams is making efforts to stay in the spotlight, often struggling to form coherent sentences with his words.
September 19, 2023
James Munro
Lol, that's just how it goes when you choose a young team, they're bound to gain some valuable experience.
September 19, 2023
Della Gray
Eddie Jones should never coach again, mate.
September 19, 2023
Paul Strickland
The shoulder charge king, not advising the All Blacks, thinks his opinion is irrelevant. He tells his friend to go back to the mosque.
September 20, 2023
Jack Reed
Rugby crowds don’t usually boo, but the fact they all do every time Jones smug mug comes on the screen tells you all you need to know what the rugby world think of him.. poison dwarf. That aside.. when this Aussie team clicks they have the makings of a very good squad
September 20, 2023
Andrew Crane
Both are useless. SBW, wouldn’t know if he’s a Kiwi or Aussie, Union player or League.
September 20, 2023
Debbie Raymond
How many teams has Mustafa Bill Williams been the boss of?
September 20, 2023
Jack Ward
Go easy on this clown boys. It’s not his fault he’s coaching Wallabies. So frustrating, the officials can’t find a proper coach, someone with knowledge and big dreams and this guy Eddie is here for his payroll only. He gets angry and acts like a lunatic in front of media. That’s not how one of our t... View More
September 21, 2023
Julie McClelland
If the players don't like the coach , then they will have to make a decision quick..
September 21, 2023
sharad bohra
Both are useless.
September 21, 2023
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