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Alexia Sexton
"We have the chance to turn the pages over, we can write what we want to write..." So, let's write 'yes' this October 14th. #yes23 #yestothevoice #historyiscalling
Jordan Graham
mmmm not sure yet
September 7, 2023
Cassandra Holmes
I am really disappointed that the YES vote is using this song. Wrong on every level
September 7, 2023
Sharon Lowery
The answer is affirmative.
September 8, 2023
Karen Major
for sure
September 8, 2023
Graham Blackman
nothing that has been done by government has helped your people. I dont believe this will be any different . I am voting No. Your Elders should be listened to and included in decision making which is apparent to me hasnt happened. I get called a Biggot and racist for not being a yes voter. I am neit... View More
September 9, 2023
Alice Morgan
I'm on the Yes side.
September 9, 2023
Lorena Sheppard
heck yeah
September 10, 2023
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